Battery Backup Power Solution

Inverter System


A power backup system consists of an inverter and batteries. This system can be expanded to incorporate PV panels as long as the initial installation is a hybrid interver. This system will assist you through load shedding to keep your basic electricity needs going. 

Depending on the size of the system you buy, will depend on how many of your household appliances can be kept powered during a blackout.
This system is charged via the grid and power is stored for use when necessary. 

However, it is not ideal should you be looking to reduce your electricity consumption and spend.

Hybrid inverters sometimes referred to as battery-ready inverters, combine a solar and battery inverter together in one simple unit. These inverters are becoming more competitive against solar inverters as hybrid technology advances and batteries become cheaper. Hybrid inverters are the most cost-effective way to add batteries, but generally have limited backup power capability and usually have a small delay (5 sec to 30 sec) when switching to backup mode during a blackout

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