Information on Solar Energy Systems and Updates on the National Energy Supply



Eskom 2024 Loadshedding Outlook

Eskom 2024 Loadshedding Outlook

Daily Investor • 6 January 2024   Eskom releases 2024 load-shedding outlook – and it’s code redEskom’s system status outlook for 2024 shows that there will be a significant electricity shortfall for every week of the year. This means people should expect extensive...

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Return to Stage 6 Loadshedding

Return to Stage 6 Loadshedding

Stage 6 load-shedding is back until further notice. Eskom has announced the return of stage 6 load-shedding due to the loss of generating units overnight. It has also not been able to replenish its emergency reserves. Cassim said in May there was an “extremely high”...

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Eskom data warns of big trouble for SA

Eskom data warns of big trouble for SA

Eskom data shows why André de Ruyter warns about big trouble for South Africa Daily Investor 6th March 2023  New data shared by energy analyst Chris Yelland showed that Eskom’s energy availability factor (EAF) plummeted at the start of 2023, raising serious...

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Rooftop Solar Tax Rebate

Rooftop Solar Tax Rebate

My Broadband 22nd February 2023 by Hanno Labuschagne Tax relief to soften the blow of load shedding and inflation Tax-paying South African individuals and businesses will be able to claim substantial rebates for rooftop solar and other renewable energy generation in...

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ESKOM latest price increase

ESKOM latest price increase

My broadband Jan Vermeulen 12th January 2023 Eskom gets massive electricity price increase!  The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) has approved an electricity tariff increase of 18.65%. This comes after Eskom asked the regulator to approve a...

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Massive blow to South Africa this week

Massive blow to South Africa this week

BUSSINESSTECH 5TH DECEMBER 2022 While South Africa’s political space sits in a state of turmoil, the country’s power situation has been there for a long time – and is expected to get worse when Koeberg Unit 1 is pulled offline this week. On Thursday, 8 December 2022,...

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