Rooftop Solar Tax Rebate

Rooftop Solar Tax Rebate

My Broadband 22nd February 2023 by Hanno Labuschagne Tax relief to soften the blow of load shedding and inflation Tax-paying South African individuals and businesses will be able to claim substantial rebates for rooftop solar and other renewable energy generation in...
Inside Eskom’s loadshedding disaster

Inside Eskom’s loadshedding disaster

Daily Investor • 14 Sep 2022 A toxic mix of poor maintenance, a lack of skills, a shortage of spares, and poor leadership with the wrong people in critical positions are behind the worsening load-shedding in South Africa. This year, South Africa has experienced the...
Learn about Solar

Learn about Solar

In South Africa, we are faced with the prospect of years of loadshedding, causing great inconvenience in our daily lives and financial loss to our businesses. Below you will find two videos giving the basics for everything you need to know to decide whether going...
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