Commercial and Industrial Power Purchase Agreement

As a service provider of solar equipment and installation, Ezsol can introduce your company to a financial structure with no upfront investment to take your company off the Grid. 

By this, we mean that a Finance House will finance your energy system, equipment, and installation and you will pay the Finance House an agreed fixed rate per kWh for your power usage. This amount will invariably be less than your current Eskom payment per kWh. A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) gives you more budgetary control as you are not subjected to the ever-increasing energy tariffs 

Ezsol will analyze your power needs and current usage to assess the size of the PV system required to supply enough power for your company to become energy-independent. This will include PV panels and large enough battery storage to enable 24-hour-a-day supply to your offices, commercial or industrial complex.

The terms of your finance agreement will be determined with the Finance House however, there is the option to make a settlement payment after an agreed period thus taking ownership of your system.

A Power Purchase Agreement, PPA, enables businesses to become energy independent thus circumventing losses incurred due to periodic or total blackouts. Having to reschedule working hours or worse, close your business due to load shedding, can become a thing of the past.

Power Purchase Agreement Benefits

  • Zero Capital outlay – your system will be fully financed
  • Cheaper Tariffs – a fixed rate per kWh for your power
  • No operating risk – system is fully serviced by Ezsol
  • Top quality equipment and service – we only use the very best quality equipment
  •  Option to own the system – early settlement for the system is optional with the financial service provider.
Clean. Renewable. Efficient.

Reduce your carbon footprint by generating clean, renewable energy

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