BONGANI BINGWA, Radio 702, interviews Professor Mark Swilling regarding the current state at Eskom.

Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Development in the School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, Co-Director of the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST)

Prof. Swilling is an international expert in sustainable development, with over thirty years experience in ‘societal transitions’ (with special reference to urban systems), initially with a focus on democratization and governance during the Apartheid era, and more recently within the wider discipline of sustainability studies at the global level. He has supervised 40 Masters theses and 18 PhDs across 5 universities and published numerous books and articles in accredited journals. In recent years, he has increased his participation in international research collaborations, particularly via UN institutions and several Scientific Committees of international conferences. In 2007, he was invited to be a member of the International Resource Panel, and in 2014 he was appointed by the Minister of Finance as a Board member of the Development Bank of Southern Africa. He has had Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Utrecht, Sheffield, and Yale.

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