Hybrid Solar System

HYBRID Solar System

(Grid-Tied Energy System)



What is a hybrid solar system?

A hybrid solar system is grid-tied with battery storage. The system includes a special ‘smart’ inverter that can transmit direct current (DC) power to and from your batteries, and channel alternating current (AC) power between the grid and your home when necessary.

Advantages of having hybrid solar systems for your house:

The biggest advantage of hybrid solar systems is that they store solar energy and electricity, enabling the use of solar energy at peak times.

What is the difference between off-grid and hybrid solar systems?

Off-grid solar systems require specialized off-grid inverters and battery systems large enough to store energy for 2 or more days. Hybrid, grid-connected systems use hybrid (battery) inverters, and only require a battery large enough to supply energy for 5 to 10 hours (overnight) depending on the application.

Hybrid Solar System Sagewood

Which system is best for me?

Both off-grid and hybrid systems are great ways to go solar, but the right choice depends on your unique situation. There are many details to consider. To make it easier, talk to a solar expert who can help you navigate all the issues involved. It’s the most effective way to learn whether off-grid or hybrid solar is best for you. 

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